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Scuba News
July 24, 2024 by HAL
Mistakes in scuba diving can be valuable learning experiences, assisting divers in remembering key lessons. Debriefing sessions after mistakes occur help students understand what went wrong, why it happened, and how to prevent it in the future. This critical thinking process enhances memory retention and skill development. Read the entire article at www.thehumandiver.com
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Book a liveaboard trip in 2025 with BSAC Egypt for a luxurious experience diving in the Red Sea aboard the M/Y Majestic. Read the entire article at www.bsac.com
Welfare Officers play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of all club members. Read the entire article at www.bsac.com
July 23, 2024 by HAL
Deep sea isopods, resembling giant insects, are encountered up close in the ocean. Read the entire article at forscubadivers.com
DEMA created social media campaign materials for The DIVE BOAT Act to aid business operators with insurance premium relief. A new set of graphics has been added to the campaign, urging people to share and support the act by downloading the new materials and spreading the message. Read the entire article at demaorg.blogspot.com
PADI CEO emphasizes acting as ocean torchbearers to support World Ocean Day initiatives. Read the entire article at pros-blog.padi.com
PADI Club, Kona, Hawaii, diving fun Read the entire article at blog.padi.com
Bill Acker, owner of Manta Ray Bay Hotel & Yap Divers, highlights the importance of prioritizing safety, respect for the environment, and high-quality customer service in the diving industry. Read the entire article at diveindustrynews.net
Sharks in Brazil tested positive for cocaine in a study by marine biologists. The sharpnose sharks were found with cocaine in their system after samples were collected. Read the entire article at divemagazine.com
A scuba diver accidentally gets caught in a rip current caused by an underwater discharge pipe near a power plant, providing an adventurous experience despite the potential danger. Read the entire article at forscubadivers.com
Dubai boasts opulent, luxurious accommodations with beachfront resorts and iconic skyscraper hotels, providing unparalleled views of the Arabian Gulf. Read the entire article at nemodivingcenter.com
The OrcaTorch D710V is a professional video light with a wide flood beam. It offers more than just standard dive light features. Read the entire article at www.scubadivermag.com
Underwater cameras are essential for capturing scuba diving beauty and sharing adventures. Read the entire article at www.girlsthatscuba.com
Danish police detained Captain Paul Watson at Japan’s request due to an international arrest order. Watson, known for his anti-whaling activism, founded the Sea Shepherd organization. Read the entire article at www.scubadivermag.com
Test your knowledge of Jacques Cousteau with this quiz from DIVE Magazine. Read the entire article at divemagazine.com
Sharks need our help to survive, and many activities support their conservation. Events like the Great Eggcase Hunt involve finding and recording shark eggcases on beaches, which anyone can join. The Shark Trust is committed to protecting sharks and encourages people to participate in various initiatives to help secure their future in the ocean. Read […]
Stephen Wolborsky contributes to putting Guam on the blackwater diving map. Read the entire article at www.divephotoguide.com
July 22, 2024 by HAL
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are highly intelligent apex predators in the ocean. Their capabilities remain a source of curiosity and fascination among divers eager to understand these large mammals. Read the entire article at forscubadivers.com
Tickets for the 2024 NOGI Awards Gala in Las Vegas are now available. The gala will take place at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. Read the entire article at www.divenewswire.com
A group of students from Glenbrook South High School has created a documentary about Diveheart and its scuba therapy initiatives. The film, highlighting adaptive scuba diving for veterans, has been submitted to a national student film festival. Read the full article at www.deeperblue.com
Joining the PADI professional community offers access to benefits for scuba divers worldwide, providing opportunities for work and adventure both locally and internationally. Read the entire article at pros-blog.padi.com
Being a PADI Member connects you with a global community of scuba enthusiasts, fostering a shared love for underwater exploration. It allows you to engage in memorable adventures and positively impact the lives of others through diving experiences. Read the entire article at pros-blog.padi.com
PADI promotes diver education, emphasizing safety and protecting ocean inhabitants through its membership benefits. Read the entire article at pros-blog.padi.com
Steve Backshall and other marine experts will share their passion for sharks at the “For the Love of Sharks 2024” event on November 29, 2024. The evening will be filled with engaging stories about these wonderful marine animals and the importance of their conservation. This event aims to inspire attendees about the beauty and significance […]
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