The Story of Uncle Cal

My name is Cal “Uncle Cal” Evans. I am a PADI-certified IDC Staff Instructor (#437491). I’ve been diving for 14+ years and have more than 500 logged dives.

I love helping new divers get comfortable exploring the world beneath the waves.

When Uncle Cal is diving

I started diving in 2009 when I received my PADI Open Water certification, my life has never been the same.

During those early years in Tennessee, I dove in quarries a lot. If you’ve never dove a quarry, it’s not great diving. Basically, it was a way to practice my skills before I went on a trip. Still there are fun places like Pennyroyal who work hard to make quarry diving fun. If you are in the area and looking for a good place to train or practice your skills, I recommend Pennyroyal.

Trips were where my real diving took place back when I lived in Nashville. I dove both Bonaire and Belize, both of which are wonderful dive spots. Additionally, I spent a week each on the live-aboards the Cayman Aggressor and the Aqua Cat, both of which I recommend.

My absolute favorite dive destination though is Bonaire. I stay at Divi Dive Resort. I have logged about 50 of my dives are off of their house reef. When we go to Bonaire, we usually do a 2-tank boat in the morning and then after lunch, we will usually do 1-2 dives off the dock, each with a different mission. Sometimes we even di a night dive off the dock as well.

If you are a new diver and have never been to Bonaire, book your trip now, you can thank me when you get back.

As a PADI-certified IDC Staff Instructor, I’ve worked with hundreds of students helping them get comfortable underwater, enjoy exploring the world beneath the waves, and learn to dive confidently.

Additionally, I am a private dive guide for groups of divers on private dives both at Blue Heron Bridge as well as off of boats in the South Florida area.

When Uncle Cal is not diving

When not in the water, I am a professional software developer. I enjoy creating new websites and web-based applications. I also have a passion for raising up the next generation of software developers.

My official website can be found at if you want more information about my non-diving activities.

Social Media

You can find me on social media at the following accounts. Connect with me on one one of these and let’s talk talk diving.

Fun Fact

Picture of Cal Evans underwater in Key Largo, FL.

The moniker “Uncle Cal” comes from my tech community friends. Most of the people I am privileged to work with and speak to are much younger than I am. The name started as a joke by some of the younger members of the community at a tech conference. For some reason, it ended up sticking.

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