Uncle Cal’s Guide for New Scuba Divers – Digital


“Uncle Cal’s Dive Guide for New Scuba Divers” is the must-have resource for anyone starting their journey in the underwater world of scuba diving.

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“Uncle Cal’s Dive Guide for New Scuba Divers” is the must-have resource for anyone starting their journey in the underwater world of scuba diving.

Written by experienced and certified PADI Master Scuba Instructor Cal Evans, this guide is designed to provide new scuba divers with the information and tips they need to dive confidently. This book picks up where your certification course stops.
Here’s what you’ll find in “Uncle Cal’s Dive Guide for New Scuba Divers”:

  • Essential gear and what to look for when making your purchases
    From the dive computer to the regulator, learn about the essential gear you’ll need for your dives and what to consider when making your purchases.
  • Proper maintenance and cleaning of your scuba gear
    tips on how to properly clean and maintain your gear after each dive
    Ensure your gear lasts for many years with proper maintenance and cleaning
  • Tips and tricks for different types of diving
    Whether diving off a boat or from the shore, Uncle Cal shares his knowledge and experience to help you feel confident and prepared for your dive.
  • The importance of proper weighting and buoyancy control
    Learn how to determine proper weighting for any dive, and control your buoyancy to maintain proper trim. All of this so that you can move effortlessly through the water.

“Uncle Cal’s Dive Guide for New Scuba Divers” is filled with expert advice and practical tips that will help make you a better, and more confident scuba diver. Whether you’re just starting out as a new scuba diver, or you are a certified diver looking to brush up on your skills and knowledge, this guide is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to explore the world beneath the waves.

Learn to dive confidently with “Uncle Cal’s Dive Guide for New Scuba Divers”.

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