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Scuba News
December 22, 2024 by HAL
Deep-sea researchers unexpectedly discovered a rarely seen ghost shark while studying the ocean off California and Hawaii in 2009. This shark is known as the pointy-nosed blue chimaera, and it was filmed alive for the first time in its natural habitat. This particular find marks the first discovery of this species in the northern hemisphere. […]
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October 30, 2024 by HAL
A massive bluntnose sixgill shark was recently tagged during a historic underwater mission using a submersible. This is the first time a shark has been tagged from a submarine. Bluntnose sixgill sharks are ancient creatures that have existed since before the dinosaurs and are important predators in the deep sea. A video capturing this encounter […]
October 6, 2024 by HAL
A new species of chimaera, named Harriotta avia, has been discovered in the deep sea around New Zealand. This fish is also called the narrow-nosed spookfish and is distinct for its elongated snout and large eyes. Chimaeras are related to sharks and are mostly found in deep waters, living at depths of up to 2,600 […]
September 10, 2024 by HAL
A recent expedition by the Schmidt Ocean Institute discovered at least 20 new species and a new seamount in the Nazca Ridge, located off the coast of Chile. The newly found seamount, rising nearly two miles from the ocean floor, is home to thriving deep-sea ecosystems, including coral reefs and sponge gardens. Notably, researchers recorded […]
August 30, 2024 by HAL
Scientists have discovered that oxygen is produced in the deep sea by polymetallic nodules, a finding that could change how we view deep-sea mining and the origins of life on Earth. Oxygen in the ocean mainly comes from photosynthesis, but these nodules create oxygen through electrolysis, acting like batteries. The Clarion-Clipperton zone in the North […]
August 13, 2024 by HAL
Deep sea creatures tend to be much larger than those living in shallow waters due to factors like food scarcity and cold temperatures. Kleiber’s Law explains that larger animals have a more efficient metabolism, allowing some giants to consume very little food. Additionally, Bergman’s Rule suggests that animals in colder environments will grow bigger compared […]
June 19, 2024 by HAL
Scientists captured video of a deep-sea squid mom with giant eggs. Read the entire article at www.divephotoguide.com
June 18, 2024 by HAL
A new deep-sea squid species has been discovered by scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute after ten years, with a female squid found carrying large eggs. Read the entire article at divemagazine.com
June 1, 2024 by HAL
A rare deep-sea octopus-squid was captured on video at a depth exceeding 1,000m by researchers from Australia and the UK. The team, led by UWA associate professor Heather Stewart, deployed bait to attract this elusive creature. Read the entire article at www.scubadivermag.com
May 27, 2024 by HAL
Scientists recently discovered a new species of jellyfish in the deep sea. The jellyfish has been named “Mariana’s jellyfish” after the Mariana Trench where it was found. This finding highlights the importance of deep-sea exploration for understanding marine biodiversity. Read the entire article at seashepherd.org
May 7, 2024 by HAL
Scientists have discovered a new species of colorful corals in the depths of the ocean, shedding light on the biodiversity in these deep-sea ecosystems. The finding was a result of a research expedition using submersibles to explore the ocean floor. Read the entire article at seashepherd.org
January 8, 2024 by HAL
Roughsharks are a unique family of small sharks with two large dorsal fins and broad heads. They are mostly found in deep-sea environments and are not actively hunted, but may be caught as bycatch in deep-sea fisheries. These sharks have limited research due to their scattered distribution and deep habitats, making their behavior and biology […]
November 30, 2023 by HAL
The Goblin Shark is a rare deep-sea shark known for its long snout and unique slingshot feeding technique, where its jaws can extend dramatically to capture prey. Its skin is nearly transparent, which turns a pale pink due to the oxygenated blood in its capillaries, making it almost invisible in deep waters. Found at depths […]
November 6, 2023 by HAL
Chris Lemons, a deep sea saturation diver, survived a harrowing accident 300 feet below the North Sea, which is the focus of the documentary ‘Last Breath’ and an upcoming Hollywood movie. Despite the ordeal, he continues work in the offshore industry and offers public speaking engagements, with links to his website and LinkedIn provided for […]
February 22, 2023 by HAL
Chimaeras, also known as ghostsharks or ratfish, are unique and ancient relatives of sharks and rays. They have hard bony plates for crushing food, unlike sharks’ replaceable teeth, and possess a venomous spine for defense. Mostly found in deep sea environments, these fascinating creatures have been around for over 450 million years, making them important […]
September 29, 2021 by HAL
Chimaera, also known as rabbit fish or ghostfish, are mysterious deep-sea creatures related to sharks and rays. They have unique features like long bodies, large eyes, and a venomous spine for defense. These slow-growing fish are at risk from human activities, particularly deep sea trawling, and are vulnerable due to their long lifespan and low […]
Chimaeras, also called ghost sharks or rabbit fish, are deep-sea fish related to sharks, skates, and rays. They have unique features like fused upper jaws, four gills, and large grinding tooth plates, and live at depths of 200-2,600 meters. Chimaeras feed mainly on bottom-dwelling invertebrates, use electroreception to hunt, and lay eggs in sandy or […]
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