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Scuba News
April 22, 2024 by HAL
Liam Molina has created a book about sharks to raise awareness of the difficulties they face due to human actions. He plans to donate a portion of sales to the Shark Trust and start a fundraiser to help support shark conservation efforts. New divers can contribute to protecting sharks by getting involved with such initiatives. […]
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April 16, 2024 by HAL
Ella Stokes and her sisters are running the Plymouth Half Marathon to raise money for the Shark Trust. They aim to protect the oceans and sharks, which play an important role in the marine ecosystem. Any donations are appreciated to help support this cause and promote awareness about sharks. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
April 15, 2024 by HAL
The Shark Trust is dedicated to the welfare and protection of sharks. Through different initiatives like fundraising and community events, the organization raises awareness about sharks, their conservation, and the importance of protecting their habitats. Engaging activities promote understanding and stewardship of these vital ocean predators. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
April 12, 2024 by HAL
The text lists the world’s best scuba diving sites, including a wide variety of underwater attractions like sharks, reefs, wrecks, and cenotes. Read the entire article at www.originaldiving.com
March 22, 2024 by HAL
Aleksander Kvam, who was deeply passionate about marine life, dreamed of swimming with whale sharks. In his memory, donations are being raised to support the protection and study of these creatures. His ashes will be scattered in the ocean, honoring his love for the sea and keeping his adventurous spirit alive. Read the full article […]
March 14, 2024 by HAL
Swell sharks are unique members of the catshark family, known for their ability to dramatically expand their bodies by swallowing water. This adaptation helps them wedge into hiding spots, making it harder for predators to attack. In addition, some swell sharks exhibit biofluorescence, which helps them communicate or camouflage in the dark ocean environment. Read […]
Scuba skydiving involves jumping from a helicopter into the ocean to retrieve scuba gear. Read the article
March 5, 2024 by HAL
Fern, an eco-warrior from South Wales, is running the London Marathon to support the Shark Trust. She believes sharks play a key role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems by balancing food webs and promoting biodiversity. Fern emphasizes the need for humans to protect these vital creatures from destruction. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
February 18, 2024 by HAL
SUBMON is dedicated to conserving marine biodiversity and promoting sustainable use of the ocean. They focus on changing how society interacts with the sea through hands-on actions and sharing knowledge about marine life. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
February 12, 2024 by HAL
The Angel Shark Project aims to protect Critically Endangered angel sharks. It focuses on securing their future throughout their natural habitat. This initiative highlights the importance of shark welfare and conservation in the ocean ecosystem. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
January 31, 2024 by HAL
The ocean absorbs a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acting as a crucial carbon sink. However, the practice of bottom trawling, a common fishing method, could potentially threaten this role by disturbing the ocean floor where carbon is stored. Read the article
January 11, 2024 by HAL
The article discusses the author’s diving experience in Papua New Guinea, highlighting the remote and diverse cultural aspects of the country. The author describes the unique landscapes, isolated communities, and challenging travel logistics involved in visiting PNG. The underwater exploration in Kimbe Bay is emphasized, with mentions of pristine reefs, abundant marine life, and untouched […]
January 8, 2024 by HAL
Electric rays are the only rays that can produce electric shocks ranging from 20 to 200 volts due to a specialized electric organ. They use these shocks for defense and hunting, ambushing prey and stunning them with electricity. The Marbled Torpedo Ray is one example found in the Eastern Atlantic, and it can produce shocks […]
The Cownose Ray is a lesser-known species of eagle ray, identifiable by its cow-like head shape and broad features. They often mistaken for sharks due to their fin visibility above water. Cownose Rays feed primarily on clams and oysters, using their powerful mouths to crush shells, and they can defend themselves with a venomous barb […]
January 2, 2024 by HAL
The Broadnose Sevengill Shark is a unique species found in temperate coastal waters. It can grow up to 3 meters long and has seven pairs of gill slits, unlike the more common five seen in many other sharks. This shark prefers shallow waters but migrates to deeper continental shelves during winter in search of food. […]
December 12, 2023 by HAL
Iona, an 11-year-old, is raising money for sharks by walking 25 kilometers. She aims to collect at least £250 to support shark conservation, as she believes sharks are essential to the ocean’s health. Iona wants to help change people’s perceptions of sharks and is excited about this personal challenge. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
A 7-year-old is training for a 1.2km run to raise funds for sharks. They want to collect money and spread awareness about the dangers sharks face, like being killed for their fins or caught in fishing nets. The goal is to help protect these fascinating creatures from extinction. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
December 11, 2023 by HAL
Laura Parke, an experienced speaker and scuba diving professional, aims to simplify watermanship skills and create a strong bond with the ocean. She started diving at a young age, transitioning from a registered nurse to a diving expert, showcasing the impact of pursuing one’s passions. Read the article
December 6, 2023 by HAL
The 4DD group swims weekly to raise money for shark conservation. They understand the importance of protecting our oceans for both mental and physical health. The group aims to help keep the natural world diverse and healthy through their swimming initiatives. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
A group of swimmers called Frogfish is raising money for sharks by swimming a total of 325 miles from July to December. They will swim in different places like pools, lakes, and the sea to support The Shark Trust’s NoLimits campaign. So far, they have completed over 100 miles and hope to inspire others to […]
Swimming with sharks can be an exciting and educational experience for scuba divers. It’s important to understand and respect sharks and their habitats to promote their conservation. Engaging in activities like shark swimming helps raise awareness about the importance of these creatures in the ocean ecosystem. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
Molly is raising funds for the Shark Trust by running her first full marathon. She aims to increase awareness about the declining shark population, which is crucial for ocean health. Many shark species are endangered due to overfishing and negative perceptions fueled by media, but they play a vital role in maintaining the balance of […]
Sharks are amazing creatures, often misunderstood and unfairly labeled as scary. It’s important to support organizations like the Shark Trust that work to protect these animals. Donating or participating in events can help raise awareness and funds for shark conservation efforts. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
Alec’s Swim for Sharks is a fundraising effort aimed at raising money to conserve sharks, which play an important role in ocean ecosystems. He set a goal to swim 100 lengths, which is about 1.5 miles, and hoped to raise £100. Alec successfully surpassed his fundraising goal, showing the community’s support for shark conservation. Read […]
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