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Scuba News
February 22, 2023 by HAL
The Shark Trust’s Managing Director, Paul, ran the London Marathon in a shark costume to raise funds for shark conservation. Despite initial nerves, the support from the crowd and the fun of wearing the costume turned the challenging 26.2-mile run into an unforgettable experience. His efforts not only helped him achieve a personal goal but […]
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February 7, 2023 by HAL
The Shark Trust values the privacy of personal data collected through its mobile app. Users may provide personal details like name and email to log their shark finds. The Shark Trust only shares this information with third parties for service delivery and offers users access to their data upon request. Read the full article at […]
December 6, 2022 by HAL
In November, significant strides were made for shark conservation. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas set the first population-wide fishing quota for shortfin mako sharks. Meanwhile, technology called SharkGuard could potentially reduce shark bycatch by up to 90% in commercial fishing. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
July 5, 2022 by HAL
In April, news highlighted a rare Greenland shark found dead in Cornwall with meningitis, marking the first known case of its kind. Additionally, basking sharks, the second-largest fish in the ocean, are declining in California and the Eastern North Pacific. Costa Rica has declared Coco Island National Park a natural shark sanctuary, aiming to protect […]
June 22, 2022 by HAL
Shark diving can be an amazing experience for divers of all levels. It’s important to do research on dive operators to ensure they prioritize both the sharks’ and the divers’ safety. Always pay attention to the dive briefing, avoid touching or chasing any sharks or rays, and stay aware of your surroundings during the dive. […]
March 30, 2022 by HAL
The Great Eggcase Hunt invites people to search for eggcases of sharks and skates washed up on beaches. These eggcases are laid on the seabed and can be identified by their unique shapes. Participating in the hunt is a fun way to help with shark and ray conservation. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
February 7, 2022 by HAL
New species of sharks have been discovered recently, including an angel shark in Panama and a catshark in Japan. Additionally, climate change is affecting the migration patterns of tiger sharks in the Northwest Atlantic, which could impact their conservation status. These findings highlight the importance of ongoing research in understanding and protecting shark species. Read […]
December 16, 2021 by HAL
In October, notable shark news included the tagging of the smallest White Shark off Rhode Island, measuring just 1.09 meters, to help researchers understand their movements for conservation efforts. Madagascar’s Whale Shark tourism significantly boosts the local economy, generating $1.5 million, yet these sharks lack formal protection in the area. Additionally, research revealed two distinct […]
In November, several exciting discoveries related to sharks and rays were reported around the world. Notably, a Tentacled Butterfly Ray, presumed extinct, was rediscovered in Iran. Additionally, a large group of Leopard Sharks was spotted off California’s La Jolla Beach, and efforts to conserve sawfish populations in the Bay of Bengal are underway through educational […]
October 4, 2021 by HAL
In July, several exciting discoveries related to sharks were made. Scientists filmed a sixgill shark in Irish coastal waters for the first time and documented basking sharks displaying unusual swimming patterns. New species of catshark were identified in the Indian Ocean, and research highlighted the crucial role sharks play in ocean ecosystems and their potential […]
In August, several important shark-related news stories emerged. A Common Smoothhound Shark was born through a process called parthenogenesis, potentially confirming the first case for this species. The UK Government announced plans to ban the import and export of detached shark fins, supporting shark conservation efforts. Additionally, scientists found a deep-water shark nursery off the […]
September 29, 2021 by HAL
To find job vacancies related to shark conservation, check the Jobs page and follow the Shark Trust on social media. They regularly post available positions, so staying updated is important for those interested. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
If you adopt a shark through the program, you will not be able to track its movements because the sharks are not tagged. However, your adoption supports research projects that use different methods to learn more about shark species. You can find more information and updates on these research efforts on the Adoption pages. Read […]
Fundraising helps raise money and awareness for shark conservation. You can organize fun events like cake stalls, quizzes, bike rides, and beach clean-ups. The Shark Trust supports your efforts by providing resources and encouraging you to share your fundraising story. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
Many shark species are at risk of extinction, but everyone can take action to help. Raising awareness about the importance of sharks and avoiding shark products can decrease their demand. Additionally, participating in campaigns, fundraising events, and the Great Eggcase Hunt can contribute significantly to shark conservation efforts. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The Longnose Velvet Dogfish is a type of shark that can be identified by its long, pointed snout. It is typically found in deep waters and is known for its unique appearance, which includes a dark velvet-like skin texture. New scuba divers may encounter this species during their dives, and recognizing its features can enhance […]
The Knifetooth Dogfish is a unique shark species identified by its long, slender body and sharp teeth. These sharks are usually found in deep waters and are not commonly seen by divers. Understanding their features can enhance a diver’s experience and help promote shark conservation. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The Black Dogfish is a small shark known for its dark coloration and unique features. It is typically found in deep waters, often near the continental shelf. Recognizing this shark helps divers appreciate marine biodiversity and contributes to conservation efforts. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The Birdbeak Dogfish is a unique type of shark that divers may encounter. It has a pointed snout and a slender body adapted for life in deep waters. Observing these sharks is an important part of understanding marine biodiversity and shark conservation. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The introductory pages of the ID Guide highlight the importance of identifying different shark species and their conservation. This information is vital to understanding shark welfare, recognizing various species, and supporting their protection. By learning to identify sharks and rays, divers can better appreciate marine ecosystems and contribute to conservation efforts. Read the full article […]
The Sharpnose Sevengill Shark is a unique species found in various ocean habitats. Identifying this shark involves noting its distinct features, such as its seven gill slits and sharp snout. Knowing how to recognize this shark is important for divers who want to safely observe and understand marine life. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The Portuguese Dogfish is a species of shark known for its slender body and long snout. It is commonly found in deeper waters around Europe and is often caught by fishermen. Divers should be aware of its unique identification features, such as its large eyes and distinctive coloration, to recognize this species while exploring underwater […]
Shark ID Guides offer helpful information to identify 41 shark species found in the British Isles and Northeast Atlantic. There are also Pocket Guides that provide a quick reference for recognizing 31 species. These resources are intended for personal use and can enhance a diver’s knowledge about local sharks. Read the full article at www.sharktrust.org
The Starry Smoothhound is a type of shark that can be identified by its unique appearance and patterns. These sharks are often found in shallow coastal waters and are known for their smooth skin and star-like spots. Scuba divers should look for their distinguishing features to identify them easily while exploring underwater. Read the full […]
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